« Circuit Diagram of Turbo Control Unit | トップページ | I can't figure out what's causing it. »

2022年2月 9日 (水)

PORSCHE does not make mistakes.

Torbocontrolunit_20220211092701 After analyzing the turbo controller, I noticed something odd. Look at the schematic on the left. I have added the voltages in red letters. Depending on how many volts you assume the battery voltage to be, you can calculate that more than 7V is applied to the input terminals of the PIC. I have confirmed that the actual terminal voltage is also above 7V.
It's a strange phenomenon. Assuming the battery voltage is 13V, the terminal voltage of the PIC is 7.44V.
If I switch 220k and 330k, the voltage is 4.96V. I don't think PORSCHE can make a mistake ???

02091_20220211092701  こちらは今日の太陽熱温水器温度モニタ。夕方に見たので残念ながらピーク温度では無いけど、最高値の記録が49℃と言う事は四捨五入なので48.5℃以上まで行ったという事に成る。


« Circuit Diagram of Turbo Control Unit | トップページ | I can't figure out what's causing it. »




« Circuit Diagram of Turbo Control Unit | トップページ | I can't figure out what's causing it. »